CouchPeel Support

Feel free to reach out using the below details.


To delete your account, please fill out the form on our Customer Support page and select “Account Deletion” as the subject. We will process your request as quickly as possible.

If you’ve forgotten your login details, use the support form write “Account Retrieval” in the message box. Provide any information that might help us identify your account, and we’ll guide you through the retrieval process.

We appreciate your help in making our app better. Please report any errors or bugs using the support form. Write “App Error” in the message box and provide as much detail as you can about the issue.

Your safety is our priority. If you encounter inappropriate content, use the form to report it by writing “App Content Error” in the message box. Please describe the content and where you found it, and we’ll take immediate action.

We love hearing from our users! To leave feedback, please fill out the support form and write “App Feedback” in the message box. Share your thoughts, suggestions, or any features you’d like to see in the future.

Support Guidelines

Be Clear and Specific: When submitting a request, please provide clear and detailed information to help us understand and address your issue more efficiently.

Privacy Matters: Do not share sensitive personal information through the form. If necessary, we will request additional details through secure channels.

Patience is Key: We strive to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible. However, response times may vary based on the volume of requests. We appreciate your patience.

Update Notifications: Keep an eye on your email or app notifications, as we will communicate updates and resolutions through these channels.

Feedback Loop: After your issue has been resolved, we may reach out for feedback on your support experience. This helps us improve our services.