Privacy Notice

Last Updated: March 3, 2024

CouchPeel. is on a mission to solve the problem of “what should we do this weekend” by redefining how people discover fun activities, for themselves, friends, or family. Our vision is to build connections between people and experiences so that they can easily peel away from the couch.

This Privacy Policy describes how Sushi Box Software Inc., and its affiliates (“we,” “us,” “Sushi Box,” or “CouchPeel”), process personal information in relation to your use of Sushi Box software.

1. Personal Information We Collect.

1.1 Information Needed to Use the CouchPeel platform. We collect personal information about you when you use the CouchPeel platform. Without it, we may not be able to provide all services requested. This information includes:

1.1.1 Contact, Account, and Profile Information. Such as your first name, last name, email address, date of birth.

1.2 Information You Choose to Give Us. You can choose to provide us with additional personal information, including:

1.2.1 Additional Profile Information. Such as gender, preferred language(s), address, and age.

1.3 Information Automatically Collected by Using the CouchPeel Platform. When you use the CouchPeel platform, we automatically collect certain information. This information may include:

1.3.1 Geolocation Information. Such as precise or approximate location determined from your IP address, mobile or other device’s GPS, or other information you share with us, depending on your device settings. We may also collect this information when you’re not using the app if you enable this through your settings or device permissions.

1.3.2 Usage Information. Such as searches for Activities, favorites you have made, additional services you have added, access dates and times, and other actions on the CouchPeel platform, including the pages or content you view and links you click to third-party applications. We may collect this information even if you haven’t created an CouchPeel account or logged in.

1.3.3 Device Information. Such as IP address, hardware and software information, device information, device event information, unique identifiers, crash data, and read receipts. We may collect this information even if you haven’t created a CouchPeel account or logged in.

1.3.4 Cookies and Similar Technologies As Described in Our Cookie Statement.

2. How We Use Information We Collect.

2.1 Provide, Improve, and Develop the CouchPeel Platform. We may process this information to:

  • Enable you to access the CouchPeel platform
  • Perform analytics, debug, and conduct research
  • Develop and improve our products and services
  • Provide customer service training
  • Send you messages, updates, security alerts, and account notifications
  • Determine your country of residence based on automated review of your account information and your interactions with the CouchPeel platform.
  • Personalize and customize your experience based on your interactions with the CouchPeel platform, your search and activity favoriting history, your profile information and preferences, and other content you submit

2.2 Provide, Personalize, Measure, and Improve our Advertising and Marketing. We may process this information to:

  • Send you promotional and marketing messages, and other information
  • show, personalize, measure, and improve our advertising on advertising platforms,
  • Administer referral programs, surveys, contests, or other promotional activities or events sponsored or managed by CouchPeel or it’s third-party partners,
  • Analyze characteristics and preferences to send you promotional messages, marketing, advertising, and other information that we think might be of interest to you, and
  • Invite you to events and relevant opportunities.

3. Third-Party Partners And Integrations.

3.1 Linking Third-Party Services. You can link your CouchPeel account with certain third-party services, such as social networks. When you enable the data sharing:

  • Some of the information provided to us from linking accounts may be published on your account profile,
  • Information you provide to us from the linking of your accounts may be stored, processed, and transmitted security investigations and risk assessment purposes,
  • We share information about your reservation with third-party partners and reward programs, and
  • Publication and display of information that you provide to the CouchPeel platform through this link is subject to your settings and authorizations on the CouchPeel platform and the third-party service.

3.2 Third-Party Service Terms. Parts of CouchPeel may link to third-party service providers. CouchPeel does not own or control these third parties. When you interact with these third parties and choose to use their service, you are providing your information to them. Your use of these services is subject to the privacy policies of those providers, including Google Privacy Policy, Google Maps/Earth Additional Terms of Use, and Apple Maps Terms of Use.

4. Newsletter Statement. You have the option to register for the CouchPeel newsletter. The newsletter includes information on offers, activities, or special promotions that are personalized to you. By registering for the newsletter you consent to CouchPeel processing your email address for the purpose of sending the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time by using the unsubscribe link contained in every email.

5. Cookie Statement. “Cookies” are small pieces of text sent as files to your computer or mobile device when you visit most websites. When you use the Services, cookies may be delivered by CouchPeel (“first-party” cookies) or delivered by a third-party provider (“third-party” cookies). Cookies are either session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies enable CouchPeel to recognize and link the actions you take during a single browsing session. Persistent cookies enable CouchPeel to recognize you as an existing user, and these cookies are stored on your system or device until they expire, or until you delete them.

5.1 Technologies Similar to Cookies. CouchPeel may use other technologies including:

  • Pixels are small objects embedded into a web page that are not visible to the user. We use pixels to deliver cookies to your computer, facilitate the log-in process, monitor the activity on our sites, and deliver online advertising.
  • Tags are small pieces of HTML code that tell your browser to request certain content generated by an ad server. We use tags to show you relevant advertising and promotions.
  • Scripts are pieces of JavaScript code that launch automatically when certain webpages load, to determine whether users view associated advertisements.
  • Local Storage Objects, such as HTML 5, are used to store content and preferences. Third-parties with whom we partner to provide certain features on our site to display advertising based upon your web browsing activity use Local Storage Objects to collect and store information.